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Battlefield 3 Frame-Analysis and Gameplay Performance at 1920x1200

Operation Guillotine: Secure the Bank with Intel Graphics at 1920x1200

With our 19x12 gameplay plot, our average frames and runt frames are clearer to decipher. The dark clustered and jaggy line comprises the majority of our frames, ranging between 30FPS and 15FPS. All the offshoots are runt frames.


Both our representations show a jaggy/sawtooth average plot, not what we want to see.

Our frame times get worse over time.

Mission Comrades with NVIDIA Graphics at 1920x1200

While a GTX460 1GB does handle 1920x120 and provides good gameplay, newer GPUs offer a 2 or 3x improvement.

At this higher resolution, frame times have more variance but the overall plot is consistent.

Again, Higher Variance with instaneous FPS but at least performance is predictable and repeatable. 1920 x 1200 in general does take around 1GB of memory on a graphics card, so we are pushing things here. However,compare to Intel.

Percentile show a slight decrease in performance over time at 19x12, which consumes more resources than 13x7, with an additional higher percentage of frames outside the average.